Humanoid Triol's Believer
Level 80
HP 4 814 MP 5 105
P.Atk. 1 909 M.Atk. 1 228
P.Def. 811 M.Def. 688
Accuracy 125 Evasion 125
EXP 57 764 SP 2 752
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 6285 - 12820 100%
Group chance: 0.6449%
Sword of Miracles Edge Sword of Miracles Edge NG 1 50.0076%
Dark Legion's Edge Blade Dark Legion's Edge Blade NG 1 24.9962%
Dragon Slayer Edge Dragon Slayer Edge NG 1 24.9962%
Group chance: 8.2419%
Thons Thons NG 1 23.3319%
Mold Hardener Mold Hardener NG 1 3.9128%
Mold Glue Mold Glue NG 1 13.6315%
Crafted Leather Crafted Leather NG 1 27.5748%
Recipe: Shining Arrow (100%) Recipe: Shining Arrow (100%) NG 1 1.9558%
Blessing of Darkness Blessing of Darkness NG 1 29.5932%
Item Amount Chance
Adamantite Nugget Adamantite Nugget NG 1 5%
Mold Lubricant Mold Lubricant NG 1 5%