Plant Pobby Escort
Level 55
HP 2 643 MP 1 096
P.Atk. 695 M.Atk. 387
P.Def. 285 M.Def. 271
Accuracy 88 Evasion 88
EXP 4 551 SP 367
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 27.15%
Recipe: Kris (100%) Recipe: Kris (100%) NG 1 0.0441%
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package(100%) Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package(100%) NG 1 0.0767%
Recipe: Adamantite Necklace (100%) Recipe: Adamantite Necklace (100%) NG 1 0.4734%
Thons Thons NG 1 1.2746%
Group chance: 0.1293%
Eminence Bow Eminence Bow C 1 1.5231%
Group chance: 27.15%
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG 1 2.5491%
Metallic Thread Metallic Thread NG 1 3.8238%
Group chance: 42%
Superior Herb of Life NG 1 7%
Group chance: 11%
Superior Herb of Mana NG 1 7%
Group chance: 27.15%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG 1 15.2932%
Group chance: 1%
Herb of the Mystic Herb of the Mystic NG 1 33%
Herb of the Warrior Herb of the Warrior NG 1 33%
Group chance: 25%
Herb of Critical Attack - Probability Herb of Critical Attack - Probability NG 1 33%
Herb of Alacrity Herb of Alacrity NG 1 33%
Herb of Power NG 1 34%
Group chance: 1%
Herb of Recovery Herb of Recovery NG 1 34%
Group chance: 11%
Greater Herb of Mana NG 1 38%
Group chance: 42%
Greater Herb of Life NG 1 38%
Group chance: 10%
Herb of Magic NG 1 50%
Herb of Casting Spd. Herb of Casting Spd. NG 1 50%
Group chance: 42%
Herb of Life NG 1 55%
Group chance: 11%
Herb of Mana NG 1 55%
Group chance: 27.15%
Thread Thread NG 1 76.4651%
Group chance: 0.1293%
Eminence Bow Shaft Eminence Bow Shaft NG 1 98.4769%
Group chance: 10%
Herb of Speed Herb of Speed NG 1 100%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 604 - 1231 100%
Item Amount Chance
Recipe: Spiritshot B Recipe: Spiritshot B NG 1 0.2999%
Theca Leather Armor Pattern Theca Leather Armor Pattern NG 1 3.214%
Thons Thons NG 1 7.4967%