Animal Hatu Crimson Bear
Level 38 Respawn Time 32s.
HP 1 400 MP 547
P.Atk. 238 M.Atk. 113
P.Def. 194 M.Def. 153
Accuracy 71 Evasion 71
EXP 1 613 SP 101
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 223 - 446 100%
Group chance: 16.2753%
Lesser Healing Potion Lesser Healing Potion NG 1 53.2775%
Group chance: 1.6866%
Elven Ring Piece Elven Ring Piece NG 1 45.0223%
Elven Earring Beads Elven Earring Beads NG 1 27.3465%
Elven Necklace Beads Elven Necklace Beads NG 1 25.1899%
Group chance: 16.2753%
Charcoal Charcoal NG 1 23.9748%
Suede Suede NG 1 15.9832%
Recipe: Square Shield Recipe: Square Shield NG 1 2.3277%
High Grade Suede High Grade Suede NG 1 1.9979%
Recipe: Necklace of Darkness Recipe: Necklace of Darkness NG 1 1.4799%
Group chance: 1.6866%
Elven Ring Elven Ring D 1 1.127%
Group chance: 16.2753%
Metal Hardener Metal Hardener NG 1 0.959%
Group chance: 1.6866%
Elven Earring Elven Earring D 1 0.7508%
Elven Necklace Elven Necklace D 1 0.5635%
Item Amount Chance
Recipe: Oriharukon Recipe: Oriharukon NG 1 3.7742%
Metal Hardener Metal Hardener NG 1 2.1136%
Goat Head Staff Head Goat Head Staff Head NG 1 0.4883%
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