Animal Hunter Bear
Level 14 Respawn Time 20s.
HP 363 MP 172
P.Atk. 34 M.Atk. 13
P.Def. 77 M.Def. 59
Accuracy 47 Evasion 47
EXP 499 SP 22
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 10.8565%
Recipe: Forest Bow Recipe: Forest Bow NG 1 2.9727%
Group chance: 3.6923%
Leather Shoes Leather Shoes NG 1 11.6541%
Gloves Gloves NG 1 11.6542%
Group chance: 10.8565%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG 1 16.1712%
Group chance: 3.6923%
Leather Shoes Texture Leather Shoes Texture NG 1 76.6917%
Group chance: 10.8565%
Thread Thread NG 1 80.8561%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 114 - 168 100%
Item Amount Chance
Recipe: Short Spear Recipe: Short Spear NG 1 1.6388%
Necklace of Anguish Chain Necklace of Anguish Chain NG 1 9.4441%
Antidote Antidote NG 1 59.4351%
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