Undead Skeleton Longbowman
Level 19 Respawn Time 1m. 8s.
± 20s.
HP 509 MP 225
P.Atk. 140 M.Atk. 35
P.Def. 93 M.Def. 81
Accuracy 52 Evasion 52
EXP 587 SP 26
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 10.5495%
Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%) Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%) NG 1 1.0142%
Group chance: 0.1543%
Forest Bow Forest Bow NG 1 6.4104%
Group chance: 42%
Superior Herb of Life NG 1 7%
Group chance: 11%
Superior Herb of Mana NG 1 7%
Group chance: 10.5495%
Braided Hemp Braided Hemp NG 1 10.1425%
Recipe: Piece Bone Gaiters Recipe: Piece Bone Gaiters NG 1 12.7739%
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG 1 25.3563%
Group chance: 25%
Herb of Critical Attack. Herb of Critical Attack. NG 1 33%
Group chance: 1%
Herb of the Warrior Herb of the Warrior NG 1 33%
Herb of the Mystic Herb of the Mystic NG 1 33%
Group chance: 25%
Herb of Atk. Spd. Herb of Atk. Spd. NG 1 33%
Group chance: 1%
Herb of Recovery Herb of Recovery NG 1 34%
Group chance: 25%
Herb of Power NG 1 34%
Group chance: 11%
Greater Herb of Mana NG 1 38%
Group chance: 42%
Greater Herb of Life NG 1 38%
Group chance: 10%
Herb of Magic NG 1 50%
Herb of Casting Spd. Herb of Casting Spd. NG 1 50%
Group chance: 10.5495%
Stem Stem NG 1 50.7131%
Group chance: 11%
Herb of Mana NG 1 55%
Group chance: 42%
Herb of Life NG 1 55%
Group chance: 0.1543%
Forest Bow Shaft Forest Bow Shaft NG 1 93.5896%
Group chance: 10%
Herb of Speed Herb of Speed NG 1 100%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 106 - 181 100%
Item Amount Chance
Haste Potion Haste Potion NG 1 3.7733%
Braided Hemp Braided Hemp NG 1 9.0559%
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG 1 22.6397%
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