Undead Mist Terror
Level 15 Respawn Time 1m. 11s.
± 25s.
HP 390 MP 182
P.Atk. 37 M.Atk. 14
P.Def. 81 M.Def. 62
Accuracy 48 Evasion 48
EXP 454 SP 22
Attack Attribute Unholy, 20 Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, -32

Unholy, 53

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 2.1806%
Leather Tunic Leather Tunic NG 1 4.3575%
Leather Stockings Leather Stockings NG 1 6.981%
Group chance: 9.7193%
Suede Suede NG 1 26.5922%
Recipe: Necklace of Wisdom Recipe: Necklace of Wisdom NG 1 33.5195%
Group chance: 2.1806%
Leather Tunic Pattern Leather Tunic Pattern NG 1 34.0148%
Group chance: 9.7193%
Charcoal Charcoal NG 1 39.8883%
Group chance: 2.1806%
Leather Stockings Pattern Leather Stockings Pattern NG 1 54.6467%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 99 - 150 100%
Item Amount Chance
Earring of Strength Earring of Strength NG 1 1.4583%
Necklace of Anguish Chain Necklace of Anguish Chain NG 1 8.342%
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG 1 19.6871%
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