Bug Giant Crimson Ant
Level 28 Respawn Time 25s.
HP 860 MP 367
P.Atk. 113 M.Atk. 49
P.Def. 135 M.Def. 106
Accuracy 61 Evasion 61
EXP 1 555 SP 98
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, -5

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 26.5008%
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG 1 1.2558%
Recipe: Scale Mail Recipe: Scale Mail NG 1 1.4164%
Metallic Thread Metallic Thread NG 1 1.8838%
Group chance: 1.4052%
Necklace of Devotion Necklace of Devotion D 1 3.8616%
Red Crescent Earring Red Crescent Earring D 1 5.1488%
Group chance: 26.5008%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG 1 7.5351%
Group chance: 1.4052%
Ring of Devotion Ring of Devotion D 1 7.7233%
Group chance: 26.5008%
Thread Thread NG 1 37.6753%
Antidote Antidote NG 1 50.2336%
Group chance: 1.4052%
Necklace of Devotion Chain Necklace of Devotion Chain NG 1 83.2663%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 229 - 448 100%
Item Amount Chance
Recipe: Scale Mail Recipe: Scale Mail NG 1 4.0128%
Leather Boots Lining Leather Boots Lining NG 1 6.9764%
Cord Cord NG 1 32.8429%
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