Humanoid Ol Mahum Sergeant
Level 29 Respawn Time 34s.
HP 905 MP 387
P.Atk. 121 M.Atk. 67
P.Def. 172 M.Def. 125
Accuracy 62 Evasion 62
EXP 2 312 SP 124
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 28.403%
Recipe: Skull Breaker Recipe: Skull Breaker NG 1 0.1802%
Group chance: 3.1332%
Scale Mail Scale Mail D 1 1.0328%
Scale Gaiters Scale Gaiters D 1 1.6519%
Group chance: 28.403%
Compound Braid Compound Braid NG 1 2.5238%
Recipe: Mithril Banded Gaiters Recipe: Mithril Banded Gaiters NG 1 2.6511%
Metallic Thread Metallic Thread NG 1 3.7861%
Group chance: 11%
Superior Herb of Mana NG 1 7%
Group chance: 42%
Superior Herb of Life NG 1 7%
Group chance: 28.403%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget NG 1 15.1431%
Group chance: 1%
Herb of the Mystic Herb of the Mystic NG 1 33%
Herb of the Warrior Herb of the Warrior NG 1 33%
Group chance: 25%
Herb of Critical Attack - Probability Herb of Critical Attack - Probability NG 1 33%
Herb of Alacrity Herb of Alacrity NG 1 33%
Group chance: 1%
Herb of Recovery Herb of Recovery NG 1 34%
Group chance: 25%
Herb of Power NG 1 34%
Group chance: 42%
Greater Herb of Life NG 1 38%
Group chance: 11%
Greater Herb of Mana NG 1 38%
Group chance: 3.1332%
Scale Mail Fragment Scale Mail Fragment NG 1 38.3491%
Group chance: 10%
Herb of Casting Spd. Herb of Casting Spd. NG 1 50%
Herb of Magic NG 1 50%
Group chance: 42%
Herb of Life NG 1 55%
Group chance: 11%
Herb of Mana NG 1 55%
Group chance: 3.1332%
Scale Gaiters Fragment Scale Gaiters Fragment NG 1 58.9662%
Group chance: 28.403%
Thread Thread NG 1 75.7157%
Group chance: 10%
Herb of Speed Herb of Speed NG 1 100%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 334 - 661 100%
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