Bug Pincher
Level 16 Respawn Time 30s.
HP 417 MP 193
P.Atk. 41 M.Atk. 16
P.Def. 84 M.Def. 65
Accuracy 49 Evasion 49
EXP 571 SP 27
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 14.9703%
Recipe: Cord Recipe: Cord NG 1 6.25%
Group chance: 1.1688%
Necklace of Wisdom Necklace of Wisdom NG 1 6.5831%
Cat's Eye Earring Cat's Eye Earring NG 1 8.7774%
Ring of Wisdom Ring of Wisdom NG 1 13.1661%
Group chance: 14.9703%
Iron Ore Iron Ore NG 1 31.25%
Stem Stem NG 1 62.5%
Group chance: 1.1688%
Necklace of Wisdom Chain Necklace of Wisdom Chain NG 1 71.4734%
Group chance: 70%
Adena Adena NG 118 - 183 100%
Item Amount Chance
Haste Potion Haste Potion NG 1 3.9594%
Recipe: Piece Bone Gaiters Recipe: Piece Bone Gaiters NG 1 11.968%
Thread Thread NG 1 47.5131%
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