Common Item - Lacerator Common Item - Lacerator A

Kamael exclusive weapon Lacerator with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and smelting are impossible.

Type Rapier / Weapon
P.Atk. 210
M.Atk. 114
Soul/Spirit Shots Consumption 1 / 1
Selling price NPC 562.500 аден
Weight 440
Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. 10
Accuracy -1
Item skills
Restrictions Private warehouse Clan warehouse Transfer by account
Trade Drop Private Store
Модификация Кристаллизация Неуд. модификация
+0 90 90
+1 235 190
+2 380 335
+3 525 480
+4 815 770
+5 1105 1060
+6 1395 1350
+7 1685 1640
+8 1975 1930
+9 2265 2220
+10 2555 2510
+11 2845 2800
+12 3135 3090